Monday, February 8, 2010

Hi Fi Turntables - Finally... The Features Of Hi Fi Turntables Explained In Plain English

Whether you're looking to purchase your first couple of digital turntables for DJ'ing or simply want one or two hi fi turntables that will allow you to play your old record collection, there are a few criteria you must consider before purchasing a new or vintage turntable.

Some of this will only apply to DJ's but it is still good to familiarize yourself with how a turntable functions. Knowledge is power!

1) There are 2 kinds of drive mechanisms used in hi fi turntables. The first is a direct drive and the second a belt drive. Direct drives are suitable for budding DJ's and are generally more expensive than a belt driven turntable. Belt driven hi fi turntables are ideal for someone who wants an affordable means of playing their old vinyl records.

2) Some turntables allow you to adjust the tempo and pitch of the record that is playing. This is done by altering the speed of the platter within the turntable itself. You may or may not have a need for such a feature, but it's something that DJ's cannot afford to go without. Unless you're absolutely sure you do not require such a feature, I'd suggest finding a turntable with this included.

3) Torque is used in the spinning up of the platter which drives the turntable to spin. More torque means your vinyl records will spin up much faster. If you're a DJ that is into changing your mixes then you will require a drive that has much torque as this will allow you to make changes in the mix much faster than traditional slower drives.

4) There are a few varying kinds of tone arms available for you to use. Tone arms are a mechanical device that consist of an arm that carries the cartridge. Again, if you're an aspiring DJ you will want to look for something such as a straight tone arm as they're superior for DJ scratching and stop unnecessary needle jumping. S shaped tone arms are another choice you can utilize provided you keep your needles in good condition and look after them.

Your needs will determine the type of hi fi turntables you require. As mentioned previously, if you're a DJ, you're going to want a turntable that provides you with more functions to suit your job. If you're an every day listener who just wants a great sounding audio turntable, you cannot go wrong with the low to mid-end priced hi fi turntables.